December 7, 1787
Delaware Day

Teacher Resources

The 2021 Delaware Day Fourth Grade Competition has been cancelled. Stay tuned for the 2022 Delaware Day Fourth Grade Competition.

Delaware Day is a perfect opportunity for educators to explore Delaware’s signing of the Constitution and other related history.

We’ve provided a series of materials and resources for teachers below. If you would have a lesson plan or other material you’d like to contribute, please contact us.


Why is Delaware Called “The First State”?
This lesson about Delaware’s ratification of the United States Constitution is taken from the Delaware Public Archives education kit, Teaching Delaware History with Primary Sources. Unfortunately, the Archives does not have any more of the primary source reproductions that are a part of this lesson. However, even if you do not have the primary source materials, the lesson can still be effectively presented in the classroom with slight modifications.
Download Lesson [54k, PDF]

What is Delaware Day?
A one-page pamphlet that explains the brief history of Delaware Day and additional information about the signing of the Constitution.
Download “What is Delaware Day?” [1M, PDF]

Establishment of Delaware Day
Seventy years ago, residents of Delaware–men, women, and students–signed petitions requesting that the Delaware General Assembly establish a special day commemorating Delaware’s ratification of the federal Constitution. A detailed account of how Delaware Day was established.
Download Establishment of Delaware Day [43k, PDF]

Delaware Day Bibliography
A resource for teachers and students that lists books available from Delaware Public Libraries and the Delaware Public Archives’ Delaware Collection about topics relating to Delaware Day, such as the signing of Constitution, Colonial history, and detailed biographies of Delaware’s Constitution signers.
Download Delaware Day Bibliography. [40K, PDF]

Delawareans Attend the Convention: Timelines & Discussions
The first timeline covers February 3, 1787, through February 6, 1787, where the Delaware General Assembly appointed Delawareans to visit the Philadelphia Convention. A second timeline, showing key events from May 14, 1787, through May 29, 1787, shows the Delawarean involvement in the Philadelphia Convention. Also provided are a series of questions Delaware’s delegates asked and debated.
– Download Timeline I: Appointment. [448K, PDF] and Timeline II: Philadelphia. [430K, PDF] and the Topics Discussed [430K, PDF]

Delaware’s Ratification Document
View the Ratification Document.

Delaware Day Poster
Originally created for Delaware Libraries, this poster explains about Delaware and the signing of the Constitution.
Download Delaware Day Poster [639K, PDF]


 Why Was the U.S. Constitution Written – Lesson One

 Three Branches – Lesson Two

 Delaware Role-min – Lesson Three

 Big v Small States – Lesson Four

 Rule of Law Lesson – Lesson Five

 Checks and Balances – Lesson Six

 Bill of Rights – Lesson Seven

 Federal v State – Lesson Eight

 Suffrage and Amendments – Lesson Nine
